Social Studies
Standards by Strand
Standard: CD-SS1 - The child will demonstrate understanding of his/her family and an emerging awareness of their own culture and ethnicity.
Standard: CD-SS2 - The child will demonstrate an understanding of his/her community and an emerging awareness of other's culture and ethnicity.
Standard: CD-SS3 - The child will demonstrate an awareness of geography in his/her community.
Standard: CD-SS4 - The child will demonstrate an awareness of economics of his/her community.
Sub Standards
CD-SS1.4a Describes his/her family structure and family roles.
CD-SS1.4b Describes similarities and differences between self and others.
CD-SS2.4a Identifies and follows rules of the classroom community and displays competence at engaging in appropriate social behavior.
CD-SS2.4b Explains diverse customs and cultural celebrations within the home, classroom and community.
CD-SS2.4c Recognizes similarities and differences between own culture and that of others.
CD-SS3.4a Creates simple representations of home, school and community.
CD-SS3.4b Identifies and describes aspects of his/her community.
CD-SS4.4a Completes jobs to contribute to his/her community and communicates why it is important.
CD-SS4.4b Describes the roles and responsibilities of a variety of occupations.