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Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child beginning September 10th.
Please remember you can only come on the day assigned for your child's homeroom teacher.
Sign in and have your photo identification.
Food from restaurants will not be permitted.
You must sit in the area designated for a parent student lunch.
You can only have lunch with your child. Other students will not be allowed to sit with you and your child.
You must leave by the end of lunch.
You may not walk down to visit the child's classroom.
Parent Lunches Schedule
Each month, students work hard to earn DOJO points for meeting or exceeding our ROARS expectations. At the end of the month, all students visit the school store to spend their points for a reward. We would like your help in stocking the school store with items so that students can continue to be rewarded for their efforts. If you are interested in donating, please click on the links below and send items in with your child.
- Individually wrapped snacks (chips, fruit by the foot, etc.)
- Ring Pops
- Pens
- Pencils
- Squishes
- Slime
- Erasers
- Plushies
- Pencil Sharpeners
- Pencil Cases
- Jewelry
- Pop Its
- Stress Balls
- Bendable Characters
- Porcupine Characters
- Glow In the Dark Items
- Cars
Cada mes, los estudiantes trabajan duro para ganar puntos DOJO por cumplir o superar nuestras expectativas ROARS. Al final del mes, todos los estudiantes visitan la tienda de la escuela para cambiar sus puntos por una recompensa. Nos gustaría que nos ayudaran a abastecer la tienda de la escuela con artículos para que los estudiantes puedan seguir siendo recompensados por sus esfuerzos. Si usted está interesado en donar, por favor haga clic en los enlaces de abajo y envíe los artículos con su hijo.
- Meriendas envueltas individualmente (patatas fritas, "fruit by the foot", etc.)
- Ring Pops
- Pens
- Pencils
- Squishes
- Slime
- Erasers
- Plushies
- Pencil Sharpeners
- Pencil Cases
- Jewelry
- Pop Its
- Stress Balls
- Bendable Characters
- Porcupine Characters
- Glow In the Dark Items
- Cars
The Fulton County Board of Education will meet on Thursday, September 19 at the FCS South Learning Center, 4025 Flat Shoals Road in Union City.
Meetings streamed on FCS Homepage
Recordings available in 48 hours
View the agenda on BoardDocs
4:00 p.m. - Executive session
5:30 p.m. - Board Meeting
6:00 p.m. - Recognitions/Public Comment
Each member of the Fulton County Board of Education sponsors a monthly meeting that is open to the public.
These meetings provide an opportunity for community members to have direct conversations with their elected board representative about local issues and concerns.
Find your Board Member and view the Community Meeting Calendar.
The Fulton County Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, October 8 at the FCS North Learning Center, 450 Northridge Pkwy in Sandy Springs.
Meetings streamed on FCS Homepage
Recordings available in 48 hours
View the agenda on BoardDocs
12:00 pm - Executive Session
2:00 pm - Pre-work Session
4:00 pm - Board Work Session
6:00 pm - Recognitions followed by Public Comment